SPELLING LIST 28 – March 28– APRIL 1, 2022
2.Make any combination of activities to tally 5 points. Bring ALL activities completed Thursday morning to school!
ABC Order Write your list of words in alphabetical order.
1 point |
In the Spotlight! Write each word. Then, go back and highlight the vowels in your words. 1 point |
Take Three Write each word three times each.
1 point |
Fancy! Write your words in your best cursive!
1 point |
Spelling Test Have a family member give you a practice test. Turn it in!
1 point |
Rainbow Words Write each word using different colors for the letters in the word.
1 point |
Lease to Greatest Write your spelling words from the least amount of letters to greatest amount of letters
1 points
Gnilleps! Write each of your spelling words backwards!
1 point |
Super Sentences Write sentences using at least 2 of the spelling and vocab words per sentence. Use all spelling and vocab words. Be sure to underline or highlight the spelling words 2 point |